Thursday, October 28, 2010

Unique Tattoo Designs

If you've been considering getting one or several tattoos then you probably know how difficult it can be to find tattoo designs that are unique to you. Granted with the Internet and technology this wouldn't seem like it would be such a problem, however, a lot of the tattoos that I see myself are similar in nature and are based around similar themes. In short, it can be very difficult to find unique tattoo designs that you can use for yourself. After all, if you're going to get a tattoo you want to stand out right.
So, one of the first things you can do of course is search online to find that it is a that you actually like and go from there. Another option of course is to just waltz into your favorite tattoo parlor and pick a design from what they have on offer. 

However, for some that just isn't enough. At this point you might be thinking that to get truly unique tattoo designs you would almost have to draw them yourself and get a tattoo artist to do is where. This while not that plan came to trouble for those of us that aren't artists. I don't know about you, but the best I can do is stick figures! So if you're not an artist and you don't want to spend the rest of your life searching online for designs what can you do?

One option is to draw inspiration from what you see around you and get somebody with artistic ability to grow at and thereby get a unique design that is personal to you. This of course can be anything you just have to remain observant and of course have your cell phone with you so you can snap the picture when you see it. The beautiful thing about this particular technique is that almost anything that catches your eye can be used as part of the design. There's really no limit. I remember being in a mall on time and looking up at the ceiling and seeing it very interesting piece of 3-D art and I jotted it down and use it later for a web interface and had something completely unique that no one else did.
With that said, if you like the rest of us have lead a very busy life then you may simply forget to keep your eyes open. What then? Another option would be to take inspiration from your own personal life. What I mean? Consider some of the high that you have and what you like to do for fun. For instance, if you are into martial arts then you could conceivably drive your inspiration from a particular motto that you say in class and have a tattoo done in the original language. In short, if you find yourself struggling to come up with unique tattoo designs then the best thing to do is quite simply to relax and take a look at what you have going on in your own life what are you passionate about? If you do this then you will ultimately wind up with designs that are unique and will forever mean something to you.

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